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To the Editor

A Different Take on N. T. Wright and the New Perspective

By Michael Woolsey

PCANews -


Dr. Kelly claims that "N. T. Wright agrees that justification is not about getting saved but about signs that one is already in the covenant community."

Mr. Wright had already previously denied this allegation explicitly. He has done so periodically, stating for instance, "'Justification' is thus the declaration of God, the just judge, that someone is (a) in the right, that their sins are forgiven, and (b) a true member of the covenant family, the people belonging to Abraham." http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/paulpage/Shape.html

It appears to me from online information concerning Wright that he's constantly being tarred with this assertion. It also appears to me he's denied it quite unequivocally, at least from the position Dr. Kelly is alleging. This particular error irritates me immensely because the error of fact constantly recurs. Is the truth of value? I would think that the God of all truth would lead us to work from a position of truth in making such bold claims.

I don't know personally any of the major players with this controversy. I'm not terribly sympathetic to some of the theological players in the New Perspectives. But I only spent fifteen minutes tracking down the quote to reveal this difference of fact. I do care that precision is taken when dealing with issues over which there are such accusations and acrimony. I do know a few people who favor the New Perspective on Paul, and I know they make a sharp distinction between N.T. Wright and everyone else. So I consider it extremely unwise to accept articles lumping Wright in with "everyone else."

Mike Woolsey 
Fairfax, Virginia
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